Struggle for Existence, Struggle for Acceptance

There is a saying that the life we live everyday is defined by our struggles,but how exactly do you interpret this,so that even a five year old understands this concept,see even explaining this sh*t is a struggle.In today's world there been a lot of changes,the world we live in is mostly controlled by techonology and the life we live is influenced by social media and we live on opinions given to us by others. Let's take this a little back to history,to stone ages when the first humans walked our planet.Hominins first appear by around 6 million years ago, in the Miocene epoch, which ended about 5.3 million years ago. Our evolutionary path takes us through the Pliocene, the Pleistocene, and finally into the Holocene, starting about 12,000 years ago.All this info was a little off topic,but hey you can't say no to free knowledge.

                  According to the great naturalist,who gave the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin  the struggle for existence was pretty f*cked up in the early eras like paleozoic,jurrasic and stone age,you only had two conditoins two live,eat or get eaten [herbivores are ecxeptions and humans who were vegetarian even during that time] this represents the struggle,the f*cked upness and natural selection.

Now in the present day, when you are a honorary citizen and a good person [ execptions are always avoided] in the 21st century,the struggle for existence changes to struggle for acceptance,in this world there are 2 rules :-

             1st  - you get accepted and feel special.
             2nd - you get rejected and feel not so special

Now the struggle or f*cked up process of expressing yourself to the f*ckwits around you,the scenario changes from person to person,we can describe it like levels of difficulty in the videogames we play, by using our very own fucked up grammar. It would be easy (adventurer) for extoverts, normal(say explorer) for people who can talk but are too lazy to do so, hard( say survivour) for introverts because they are introverts, but for psychopaths like me ,who changed their life from extrovert to introvert it would be expert( warrior).

Now back to struggle for acceptance, social media is a very influencung platform,if you  can influence it,but if your a loser like me it might be a dreadful thing because you would let some people outside you circle (say [(x^2) + (y^2)  = 1] , 1 is the radius brcause you are a loser and lonely just like me) judge you,that is to the point, where the struggle starts.
                  If Darwin were to explain the struggle for acceptance and artificial selection,then he would use clothing and lifestyle decency in place of bracnhing descent,next he would state that the winner who are accepted are artificially selected by the society.Now if we use the refrence of natural selection,it states that those species which can adapt to their environment are naturally selected and leave more progeny comapred to other species. However artificial selection is based on and only made for humans,people who can influence socail media are happly accepeted and artificially selected but still that does not mean they have create more progney.
             This theory is kind of absurd as it does not necessarily means that if your not accepeted by the society then your life ends because your family will always have your back. In short what I exactly define as struggle for acceptance is the fact that poeple live thier daily life and most of the aspects of their lives are influenced by social media and people struggle to get attention,they struggle to show off their status and value  the opinions given by social media more than what they think about themselves and that's really sad because you let people judge you and sometimes that gets to your head and you stop being yourself and that sucks.

          To the readers,I know you were enjoying this article so far but all good things must come to an end,even if you were not enjoying reading this article and judging me based on what I write,well i don't care and i don't give a f*ck, so yeah back to topic, Darwin inspired me to write this f*cked up message,but i wonder if I had inspired Darwin,then would he have given theory of evolution or just wondered in his own scientific thoughts about whatever he used to think in his freetime and just cruise around in his ship.
Anyways this is it for now,but I'm still not sure,which struggle is better.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.


  1. Waiting for the next blog dude☺️

  2. The condition of today's world has been greatly described, social media influence and rest of the shit. Nice work, keep writing 🔥💯

  3. The thing is the person who says that they don't give a fuck of what people think and assume about me is the one who is really thinking of what and how I should present myself infront of others I may not be correct but I bet If whenever you face any situation like this... Just cutoff from world have some me time and everything will be okay learn to become just you no matter what other people think of u and all. we all get one life if we spend most of the time thinking about what others think bout me and all life become 46 percent shorter than what it would have been by the very nice blog keep writing


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