False Prodigies of God,People call them Doctors


What does it mean?

Everyday false prodigies of god save the precious lives of people as a part of their daily routine,but still even if in a single severe case scenario the pateint dies who was gonna die anyways because of the inevitable compilications people get vexed blaming the doctors without a second thought, for the loss of their loved ones about whom the people were only trying to show their condolences.
                         They are called false prodigies for a reason,because no matter how good they are at the end of the day they are still humans.There's no doubt they are blessed with immense talent and skill but God has his way written.

Why this should be a concern?
                There's a very disturbing case about a expert gynaecologist who faced one of the most difficut case of her life and gave her all but the outcome was a tragedy.The case was of Perinatal Asphyxia[lack of blood flow or gas exchange to or from the fetus in the period immediately before,during or after the birth process] which was due to the formation of nuchal nord[occurs when the umbilical cord gets entangles around the baby's neck.Nuchal cord occurs in 10-29% of fetuses and the incidence increases with advance in gestation age].
 In most of the cases the etiology is long umbilical cord or more ammount of ammniotic fluid and its generally not dangerous but somtimes during the delivery the cord can get entangled and causes complications.

During the delivery same complications occured and inspite of electronic fetal monitoring devices both the baby and the mother lost their lives.The doctor gave her best and even after attempting earnestly she couldn't save their lives.The people without any hesitation blamed the doctor for what happend even when they knew the survival chance was below 5%,to be more precise they said the doctor wasn't capable,all of this pressure and criticism from media and people and the community got under her skin and she took her own life,despite being the total expert of her field.

         Those of us who have never experienced their true life will never know the daily struggles faced by the false prodigies of God whom we call Doctor.

Lets express their life experince  and time spend as docors through mathematics 

For a being a prodigy experience is required factor,so for a the complete life of the doctor we can create a equation about their experience as 

Now maths doesn't seem so uselss,does it.Now people wouldn't understand a singe thing they'll just think that the doctor can aways be blamed for thier losses,we don't have any idea what the prodigies go through everyday of their life.

So what is the solution for this?

Every time this happens analyze the situation properly.Is there any medical negligency happening fro doctors or the case is really complicated,always consult an expert.
When really the doctor is at fault which they rarely are then the situation should be dealt in a proper way instead of burdening the prodigies as i have told they are not god.
In medical colleges the critical cases should be dealt by expert experience holding professional and not interns  in any emergency situation which might reduce the chances of medical negligence.

We should always be solution oriented and not losing the trapped bag of emotion which we carry on our shoulders.
                 Doctors are false prodigies for a reason,God is so powerful he can turn a person's life completely upside down,the person won't even know what hit him ,but as far as it goes for our doctors they can only save a patient with all their best but still sometimes that is not enough,people won't understand that.This is why doctors are false prodigies and no true.
Doctors and patients are a important part of each other's life,both are dependent on each other, they are like the yin and yang of the medical life, but still why,why the life of prodigies is a nightmare if your not a true expert.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.


  1. Very interesting and inspiring and informative πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
    Love thisπŸ’

  2. Greatly depicted the situation of doctors in our country

  3. Great very trueeπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. Very synonyms...Interesting and true about the situation of doctors🩺πŸ”₯πŸ™Œ

    1. The Idoimatic Idiot18 January 2024 at 18:14

      Seems like your studing medical as well.
      thankyou for reading and all the best

  5. Great share! Thans for emphasizing this

  6. have explained in detail about the critical situation that is created in doctors life
    If doctor is corrupted that's totally a different scenario but, majority of the doctors r passionate and dedicated to their work so its totally wrong to blame a doctor for anything worng happens
    Any doctor leaves no stone unturned to save life of someone

    1. The Idoimatic Idiot18 January 2024 at 18:11

      Thankyou for reading .

  7. Great perspective and truly visionary!✨πŸ’―

  8. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  9. Really resonates with the current atmosphere in medicine!πŸ™ŒπŸ»✨

  10. Very nicely written πŸ‘ŒπŸ»..

  11. Doctors deserve credit, but hype around "miracle" cases can be misleading.Many times this hype and human emotions become the reason for acquisition on doctors beside knowing the facts that doctor can't save everyone every human is different every condition is different.

  12. Thought-provoking and Hitting
    Felt emotional
    Use of mathematics is interesting
    Society need to be more understanding rather than blaming doctor in difficult situation. Definitely false public criticism and media pressure are the reasons for her suicide

  13. The most difficult task with very less credit is explained with most appropriate expressions.

    Well done bro πŸ‘

  14. Your use of mathematical concepts to describe the doctor's life is amazing.Keep up the good work.


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