Unique thoughts pop in my Cranium

  What if we all of the humans are already extinct and now what we are living today is just a simulation run by some higher inter-dimensional species who have inhabitated earth and they collected the data about us through our remains and their just experiencing how earths inhabitants lived.

About a time traveller 
                     A time traveller if lost in his path,can alternate the realities,deep within the darkness of his heart if a single spark of light flutters,the darkness can be erased but at the same time the alternate realities can also get destroyed.
                Its a little brain teasing to say that if the time traveller can travel to both future and past simultaneously and is continously in the realm of the realm between the realms,then dosen't  it make his  future,past and present happen simultaneously at the same time in seperate dimensions.

One day you and everyone you love will die and beyond a small group of people for an extremely brief period of time,litte of what you say or do will ever matter. This is the uncomfortable truth of life,and everything you think or do is but an elaborate avoidance of it.We are inconseuential cosmic dust,bumping and miling about on a tiny blue speck, we imagine our own importance,we invent our purpose, ...... we are nothing.

Late night thoughts;
If Death is freedom from the drama of the world,why do people fear it,Life is entrance to the world full of drama,but people still embrace it, Why?
If you believe in ghosts,then trust me you have the fear of being rejected by your very own loved ones.
Tonight I'm gonna have the best dreams of my life,but I might not wake up tomorrow,Arigato the twisted curse of my life,
           I died yesterday.

A secret buried deep within,gives birth to the lies said forth,but the scar of truth remain behind.

If death greets to you,would you greet it back as a friend or fight it as a enemy,either way your gonna die a beautiful death.

I have this question that always bugs me,why do people make friends,why do people have hatred even to others whom they don't even know.Humans are social creatures but that is not supposed to overide the fact people do not have hatred in thier heart. I hate meeting new people, but the old one I know are some that i can relie on.What exactly do we mean when we say people are reliable. People live the life of fear, they are controlled by what  they follow and how often they get betrayed.People have an ego that they are better than everyone else,but there's always a bigger fish in the ocean.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.



  1. A litte weird but nice thinking

  2. I just like to think that we fear death just cause we don't know what happens after death, like will we still be conscious after death?, will we be conscious helplessly as we keep losing our senses,as our body gets destroyed or decay after death, not being able to see, hear or feel anything, or will it be like sleeping, but never waking up?. Anyway, I believe this fear is due to our fear of unknown. Also, I'll be thinking about the thoughts in the blog for a while, till I make myself believe that thinking about these things ain't gonna change anything.

  3. the blogpost has another small blog in its comments

  4. Nice thought..keep writing🙌


I inhaled some fresh air and became toxic

E ver wondered why people complain a lot about their friends and relations being toxic,well the same thought popped in my head.I'm think...