The Museum of Forgotten Memories

      When your stuck in suspended animation,you should visit the Museum of Forgotten Memories, it may not have ancient artifacts and costly paintings, but still it holds the one f*cking thing  you can't get rid of ,your memories.Every single a*shole on this earth has a museum inside their head which contains the unraveling memories of their past.They may be good,they may be bad who knows, who the fuck even cares,most of the people,they just try to soak their memeories in alcohol as well as imparing their frontal lobe but that does not matter because not everyone is that smart to keep their shit under control,but please don't say this to anyone,they'll simply respond by punching you in the face and will tell you,"Bags,don't disturb me in my natural habitat".

            So forgotten memories,those that used to be a part of us and now its completely gone hiddden in the parts of our brain that we can't recall on our own,ever wondered how you did you develop your personality from childhood,you don't even remember some very important moments which shaped your mind and its thinking process,some were good,some were bad and some were something that got embeded in our brains that we can't even forget.

Sometimes I wonder and remember those good old days of just being a small kid in this big world,we used to follow our elder siblings wherever they would go,do a lot of mischief and most of the time our elder siblings got blamed and scolding from parents.

                 HEY! Try remembering this :  You woke up at 6:30 am and it's raining outside, mom told you not to attend school today, you're under a blanket and watching rain through your window. You sit on the couch and turn on the TV, mom made you breakfast and you're watching Cartoon Network.

LIFE was so good,when we were small but the harsh reality of life is that it doesn't wait for anyone, you either move with it or get left behind. Now about the Musuem, everyday there's a new stock of memories,whatever those are good or bad,joyfull or f*cked up who cares,those memories when processed by your mind will either be something that you remember or something you forget,but for me its some kind of vortex in which I'm just trapped,I cannot escape the continuous reliasation and remembrance of  the bad memories and the sturggle to remember the good forgotten memories. 

"My subconsicousness is trapped inside my very own Mueseum of F*cked Memories and it screams every moment to gain freedom."
Yeah,about this I'm kind of unique and in my mind there exist the Museum of F*cked memories not Forgotten Memories, don't ask me why and definitely do not suggest me therapy,because if I go to therapy then the therapist might just reqiure a therapy after my  therapy session is finished with him

The Museum of Forgotten Memories is not simply just a collection of memories that we find hard to remember,but in reality is something that we are trapped inside of unconsciously,there are things that are truly invaluble to us but there also exists things that haunts our subconsciousness,thye museum in reality is our mind that uses both the good and bad memories to help us navigate the current time sequence and the unseen future.

        Let's just take a break from depressing memories and think about the real forgotten memories,they are like old photographs tucked away in a dusty album that holds a certain charm that evokes nostalgia and in scientific terms it releases serotonin and dopamine{the happy hormones} when you remember them.Hey a task for all you readers,after reading this open up a old dusty album of your childhood photos or old photos of your family, with your family and have a fun time remembering all those happy moments.And remember all those forgotten memories and add a new stock of memories to your museum.

    In the rush of contemporary life, we often forget the significance of our past. The museum serves as a sanctuary for those seeking solace and reflection. We find a therapeutic escape, rediscovering forgotten pieces of our own history and leaving with a renewed appreciation for its beauty.The Museum of Forgotten Memories stands as a testament to the richness of the human experience. In a world dominated by the constant pursuit of the next big thing, this sanctuary reminds us of the beauty found in the small, fleeting moments that shape our lives. As we navigate the currents of time, this museum signals us to pause, reflect, and cherish the memories that have slipped through the cracks of our busy lives. After all, it is through remembering the forgotten that we truly appreciate the value of our existence.

    This was the happy conclusion for making you happy now time for reality,visiting the museum is a good thing but only when you've got nothing else to do,not when you have a busy schedule and your  wasting time daydreaming about the good old days,wake up to reality, no one is going to wait for you,you either work hard for yourself or get fucked by the society's opinios about your life,the stock of memories that enter the musuem,its upto you to do what you want with it,but if your a sigma person,you won't let anyone else mess with your head,that's where every fucking person goes wrong and make their every good memory a bad one by thinking about it in other person's perspective and the good memories become forgotten memories and are stored in the museum.Hence the name, The Museum of Forgotten Memories.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.

Struggle for Existence, Struggle for Acceptance

There is a saying that the life we live everyday is defined by our struggles,but how exactly do you interpret this,so that even a five year old understands this concept,see even explaining this sh*t is a struggle.In today's world there been a lot of changes,the world we live in is mostly controlled by techonology and the life we live is influenced by social media and we live on opinions given to us by others. Let's take this a little back to history,to stone ages when the first humans walked our planet.Hominins first appear by around 6 million years ago, in the Miocene epoch, which ended about 5.3 million years ago. Our evolutionary path takes us through the Pliocene, the Pleistocene, and finally into the Holocene, starting about 12,000 years ago.All this info was a little off topic,but hey you can't say no to free knowledge.

                  According to the great naturalist,who gave the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin  the struggle for existence was pretty f*cked up in the early eras like paleozoic,jurrasic and stone age,you only had two conditoins two live,eat or get eaten [herbivores are ecxeptions and humans who were vegetarian even during that time] this represents the struggle,the f*cked upness and natural selection.

Now in the present day, when you are a honorary citizen and a good person [ execptions are always avoided] in the 21st century,the struggle for existence changes to struggle for acceptance,in this world there are 2 rules :-

             1st  - you get accepted and feel special.
             2nd - you get rejected and feel not so special

Now the struggle or f*cked up process of expressing yourself to the f*ckwits around you,the scenario changes from person to person,we can describe it like levels of difficulty in the videogames we play, by using our very own fucked up grammar. It would be easy (adventurer) for extoverts, normal(say explorer) for people who can talk but are too lazy to do so, hard( say survivour) for introverts because they are introverts, but for psychopaths like me ,who changed their life from extrovert to introvert it would be expert( warrior).

Now back to struggle for acceptance, social media is a very influencung platform,if you  can influence it,but if your a loser like me it might be a dreadful thing because you would let some people outside you circle (say [(x^2) + (y^2)  = 1] , 1 is the radius brcause you are a loser and lonely just like me) judge you,that is to the point, where the struggle starts.
                  If Darwin were to explain the struggle for acceptance and artificial selection,then he would use clothing and lifestyle decency in place of bracnhing descent,next he would state that the winner who are accepted are artificially selected by the society.Now if we use the refrence of natural selection,it states that those species which can adapt to their environment are naturally selected and leave more progeny comapred to other species. However artificial selection is based on and only made for humans,people who can influence socail media are happly accepeted and artificially selected but still that does not mean they have create more progney.
             This theory is kind of absurd as it does not necessarily means that if your not accepeted by the society then your life ends because your family will always have your back. In short what I exactly define as struggle for acceptance is the fact that poeple live thier daily life and most of the aspects of their lives are influenced by social media and people struggle to get attention,they struggle to show off their status and value  the opinions given by social media more than what they think about themselves and that's really sad because you let people judge you and sometimes that gets to your head and you stop being yourself and that sucks.

          To the readers,I know you were enjoying this article so far but all good things must come to an end,even if you were not enjoying reading this article and judging me based on what I write,well i don't care and i don't give a f*ck, so yeah back to topic, Darwin inspired me to write this f*cked up message,but i wonder if I had inspired Darwin,then would he have given theory of evolution or just wondered in his own scientific thoughts about whatever he used to think in his freetime and just cruise around in his ship.
Anyways this is it for now,but I'm still not sure,which struggle is better.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.

When you only live to play football

 Football is more than just a sport,for many it's the way of life,an unwavering passion that transcends boundaries,cultures and generations.From the roaring crowds in massive stadium to the neighbourhood kids playing on dusty fields,the beautiful game has an unparalled ability to unite people and create lifelong bonds.Let's take a deep dive into the passion and culture of the beautiful game.

    For those whose lives are interwined with football,the journey often begins at a young age. It's not just about kicking a ball; it's about the sheer joy and excitement that coms with every goal scored,evvery skill perfected and every match played.The passionis ignited on dusty streets,makeshift ptches or even in the living room,where we dribble around furniture and scoring in the foal post created on the wall and our imagination of playing the real games with the players we see on television.

In many households,football is not just a personal choice;it's a family tradition passed down through generations.From grandparents recounting tales of legendary players to parents taking their children to their first match,footbal becomes a shared experience that binds families together.The emotional  highs and lows of supporting a team create a unique bond that transcends time and becomes an integral part of the family.

As these football enthusiats grow,so does their connections to the local football scene.Local clubs become the epicentre of their social lives,where weekends are spent cheering on the home team and forging friendships that last a lifetime.The community aspect of football is deeply  ingrained,as fans find solace and a sense of belonging in the shared joy and heartbreak that comes with supporting a team.

        For some,football isn't just a hobby-it's a fundamental aspect of their identity.The colors of their team are worn with pride,and the club's anthem is etched into their very being.Supporting a football team becomes more than a choice,it becomes a statement about who the are and where they come from.

Now,what exactly I mean when i say football is my life,when you play the game every goal you score has a different feeling,every dribble you do,every defender you beat gives you adrenaline rush and when you send a through ball to your player and your whole team shouts,"what a pass!" this is all in it's entierity what palying football is and the joy you get after wining and the experience you gain after losing.This is what football is all about.

      For the players who play for their clubs and their countries every game counts and they always play as their life is dependent on it,as for the fans,they a known for their rituals and superstitions,ranging from wearing lucky jersey to following a specific routine on match days.These rituals aren't just quirks;they are an integral part of the fan experience,adding an extra layer of emotional investment to the game.

One of the defining aspects of a life dedicated to football is the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it.The ecstasy of a last-minute winner,the agony of a missed penalty,and the nervous anticipation before a crucial match,these emotional highs and lows are all part of the game.The collective euphoria or heartbreak experienced by fans during pivotal moments is a to the profound impact football can have on one's emotions.

Football culture extends beyond the 90 minutes on the pitch. It encompasses everything from fan chants and stadium rituals to the art, music, and fashion associated with the sport. Football-inspired graffiti adorns city walls, while fan-created music becomes anthems that echo through the terraces. The fusion of football and culture creates a vibrant tapestry that enriches the overall experience for those immersed in the world of the beautiful game.

While the majority of football fans are passionate without crossing any lines, there have been instances where the fervor turns destructive. Hooliganism, fueled by excessive rivalry and overzealous fandom, has marred the beautiful game at times. It serves as a reminder that while football can unite, it can also divide, and it is crucial to strike a balance between passion and sportsmanship.

For those whose lives revolve around football, the sport is more than just a game; it's a source of joy, camaraderie, and identity. From the local pitches to the grand stages of international competitions, football weaves a narrative that connects people across borders and generations. The beautiful game, with its highs and lows, rituals and traditions, creates a tapestry of experiences that shape the lives of those who are passionate enough to call football not just a hobby, but a way of life.

~The Idiomatic Idiot.

I inhaled some fresh air and became toxic

E ver wondered why people complain a lot about their friends and relations being toxic,well the same thought popped in my head.I'm think...